We got a bit of snow last night and I got carried away getting Kalie dressed to go to the car. Here she is in her snow pants, jacket and boots. You would think she is going skiing...but how cute????
Kalie adores Elmo. Her Grammy and Pappy got her these new PJ's for Christmas and then her daddy bought her an Elmo chair that shakes and giggles when you sit in it. She is all Elmo'ed out. Including her favorite DVD to watch in the car "Zoe and Elmo's Dance Moves" (also a gift from Grammy!!!)
Aunt Anna and Uncle Jess came to visit at Christmas. Kalie will have a new cousin soon!! Anna looks like she may be able to handle things just fine. But we are thinking we may need to visit Uncle Jess again for more practice before the little boy arrives :) !!!!
Kalie doesn't like to get her hair cut...and I am not sure what to do with it so that is why her bangs are so long. Her Grandma cut it them for us the other day but I think we may grow it out. She will occassionally wear it up but for some reason she likes to pull the bows and ties out!!
With all the toys that I have, nothing is better than playing in the kitchen. Here is Kalie's favorite spot to hide. After, of course, she gets out all the pots and pans and we play "Marching Band" and bang them with spoons while marching around the kitchen!